
Teaching Awards
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
FCE Faculty Award for Outstanding Achievement (Teaching, Team Award)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2022
CEE Outstanding Teaching Award
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2018
Teaching Grants
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
PolyU Community of Practice on Educational Research (CoP-ER), PI, 2023-2025
A Personal Learning Environment and Network (PLE&N) to Enhance Student’s Self-Directed and Life-Long Learning Attributes in Multiple Disciplines. PolyU Teaching Development Grant (TDG), PI, 2022-2024
Hythenated Thermogravimetric-Infrared-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. CEE Departmental Large Equipment Grant for Teaching, PI, 2022
Academic Exchange on Environmental Pollution and Health. Ten Thousand People's Scheme, PRC Ministry of Education, PI, 2022
PolyU Community of Practice on Problem-Based Learning (CoP-PBL), PI, 2020-2022
Academic Exchange on Environmental Pollution and Health. Ten Thousand People's Scheme, PRC Ministry of Education, PI, 2019
Academic Exchange on Agricultural and Food Waste Valorization. Ten Thousand People's Scheme, PRC Ministry of Education, PI, 2018
Discipline-specific English Bridging Course for Senior Year Students. PolyU Language Enhancement Grant (LEG), Co-I, 2017-2018
Enriching Senior Year Places Students’ Learning Experience through Curricular and Co‐Curricular Activities in Hong Kong’s Universities, UGC Funding Scheme for Teaching and Learning Related Proposals, Co-I, 2017-2020
Using Problem-based Project to Enhance Students’ Learning Experience. PolyU Teaching Development Grant (TDG), PI, 2016-2017
Build the Future: Environmental Improvement and Sustainable Development for Nepal Earthquake Relief. PolyU Community Service Fund (CSF), PI, 2016-2017
Benchmarking of Undergraduate Programmes Regarding the Structure and Curriculum Content of Teaching and Learning. CEE Learning and Teaching Development Funding, Co-I, 2016-2017
Purchase of Particle Characterization Suite. PolyU Large Equipment Fund for Teaching, PI, 2016
Research Student Achievements
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
One PhD graduate (2019) received IBA-IFIBiop Best Young Researcher Award
Yuqing Sun (“Bridging sustainability and industrial evolution through green bioprocessing”)
One PhD student (2019) received ASE Cultural & Educational Foundation for Environmental Thesis Award
Tim Chung-Yu Guan (“Plant microbial fuel cell for soil remediation, green roof and waste recycling”)
One PhD graduate (2018) received Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme for Postdoctoral Researchers
Lei Wang (“Designing low-carbon high-performance fibre-reinforced mineral-based composites by green binder and carbon dioxide curing”)
One FYP student (2018) won the HKIE Environmental Division Prize for Best Final Year Project (Second Runner-Up)
Sarah Tsz-Ching Lam (“Recycling contaminated sediments by modified MgO cement”, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers)
Four PhD graduates (2017, 2018) received Certificate of Outstanding Reviewer for International Journals
Lei Wang (Journal of Hazardous Materials; Science of the Total Environment; Journal of Cleaner Production; Construction and Building Materials; Chemosphere)
Season Si Chen (Journal of Cleaner Production; Science of the Total Environment; Chemosphere; Environmental Geochemistry and Health)
Iris Ka-Ming Yu (Journal of Cleaner Production; Science of the Total Environment; Chemosphere)
Yuqing Sun (Science of the Total Environment)
One PhD student (2017) received Gold Medal at 45th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva
Lei Wang (“Upcycling wood waste into particleboard by CO2 curing and adding low-carbon cement”)
One PhD student (2017) received Fulbright-RGC Hong Kong Research Scholar Award
Season Si Chen (“Synthesis, characterization, and application of heterogeneous catalysts for biomass conversion to value-added chemicals”)
Two PhD students (2017, 2018) was final-listed for FCE Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis
Lei Wang (“Value-Added Recycling of Construction Waste Wood into Eco-Friendly Cement-Bonded Particleboards”, 2018)
Bay Jingzi Beiyuan (“Integrated remediation of metal-contaminated soils: Biodegradable chelant-enhanced extraction and in-situ stabilization”, 2017)
Five PhD students (2017, 2018) received Best Oral Presentation Awards at International Conferences
Lei Wang (2nd International Conference on Bioresources, Energy, Environment, and Materials Technology, Hongcheon, Korea, 2018, “Technical and economic assessment of green remediation and recycling of dredged sediment”)
Tim Chung-Yu Guan (Annual Conference of Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Taiwan, 2018, “Plant microbial fuel cell for green roof”)
Cheng Lei (4th International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Health, 18-20 May, Tianjin, China, 2018, “Environmental transformations and ecological effects of iron-based nanoparticles”)
Iris Ka-Ming Yu (8th International Conference on Geochemistry in the Tropics & Sub-Tropics, Shenzhen, China, 2017, “Sulfonated biochar as a new catalyst for upcycling carbohydrate-rich food waste into hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF)”)
Lei Wang (8th International Conference on Geochemistry in the Tropics & Sub-Tropics, 9-12 December, Shenzhen, China, 2017, “Green stabilization/solidification of contaminated sediment with industrial by-products and CO2 curing”)
Four PhD students (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017) received Best Poster Presentation Awards at International Conferences
Iris Ka-Ming Yu (8th International Conference on Geochemistry in the Tropics & Sub-Tropics, 9-12 December, Shenzhen, China, 2017, “Using biochar-supported acid for catalytic production of hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) from bread waste”)
Tiffany Man-Wah Mak (Asia-Pacific Symposium on Biotechnology for Waste Conversion, 6-8 December, Hong Kong, China, 2016, “A system dynamic approach to enhance resources recycling in urban cities”)
Lei Wang (3rd International Conference on Solid Wastes 2015: Knowledge Transfer for Sustainable Resource Management, 19-23 May, Hong Kong, China, “Recycling timber waste into light-weight cement-bonded wood particleboards”)
Bay Jingzi Beiyuan (2nd International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation, 5-8 October, Chuncheon, Korea, “Mitigating groundwater pollution from e-waste sites by permeable reactive barriers”)
Two PhD students and one FYP student (2015) won Champion Prize of the HKIE Environmental Paper Award
Lei Wang, Season Si Chen, and David Tak-Wa Tsang (Environmental Division of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), “A novel and eco-friendly method for recycling waste formwork into cement-bonded particleboard”)
Four PhD students and one FYP student (2015) received $100,000 funding under PolyU Micro Fund Scheme
Lei Wang, Season Si Chen, Iris Ka-Ming Yu, Bay Jingzi Beiyuan, and David Tak-Wa Tsang (Entrepreneurship Stream of PolyU Micro Fund 2015, “Make Wood-Plastic Composites Project by Greenpoly Technology”)